September 28, 2022 6 min read

Is snacking good for you? If so, what are the best times to do it?

The short answer is yes - snacking can be beneficial because it provides an energy boost and extra nutrients when you choose the right snacks and the right time to snack.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the best and worst times to snack as well as the best time to eat certain foods like nuts, chia seeds and carbs.

Let’s jump right in!

What Is The Best Time To Snack?

To put simply, the best times to snack are: 3 hours after your last main meal, 2 hours before the next meal (or going to bed), after a workout, or before going out. 

But why is that? Let’s look at why those times are ideal for a snack.

3 Hours After A Main Meal

If our stomach goes without food for more than 3 hours, our metabolism and blood sugar drops. So, choosing a protein-rich, fiber-packed snack low in sugar can be beneficial.

After A Workout

You can replenish your body with carbohydrates and protein after a long and intense workout.

According to scientists, skipping breakfast may make you hungrier and more likely to eat larger meals, which leads to a spike in blood sugar.

research has found that having a large breakfast, early lunch (before 3 pm), and early dinner (before 9 pm) can improve glucose tolerance and support weight loss.

Before Going Out

You can eat a small snack before going out, in case you feel a little hungry. This will prevent you from taking something possibly unhealthy.

Even if you plan to eat something outside, a small snack can help you skip the calorie-loaded appetizers that can be tempting, especially if you feel starving.

What Is The Worst Time To Snack?

worst times to snack

Between Breakfast And Lunch

People who snack between breakfast and lunch also tend to snack later in the day, which means more calories are added to their total intake.

Additionally, if your goal is to lose weight, 
a study found that weight loss was significantly lower among mid-morning snackers compared to non-mid-morning snackers.

To avoid snacking after breakfast, you can do the following:

  • Have a hearty breakfast that will keep you satiated til noon. 
  • Choose savory over sweet breakfast that’s rich in healthy fats and protein. 
  • Make a cup of tea or coffee. 
  • Drink water. 

Before Going To Sleep

If you are hungry, having a small snack, like a few pieces of fruit, is alright, at least 2 hours before bed.

However, if you create a late-night habit of snacking on unhealthy foods - that can be a problem. 

To avoid late-night snacking:

  • Find if there is an underlying reason for it. It will help you take the proper steps to solve the problem. Nighttime eating can be caused by boredom, hunger, binge eating disorder, and nighttime eating syndrome.
  • Eating enough and regularly throughout the day will prevent late-night cravings. Make sure you have a sitting protein-packed dinner, and if you crave something sweet, have a healthy dessert or snack after your meal.
  • Distract yourself. If you are eating out of boredom or stress, find an evening activity to keep your mind occupied. It can be meditation, stretching, yoga, or a new hobby.

What Is The Best Time To Eat Nut Snacks?

best time to eat nuts

One of the best times to consume nuts is in the morning, with breakfast. This can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body.

You can also have nuts as a mid-day snack or even as a late-night snack

A handful of nuts can satisfy cravings and hunger while inducing sleepiness.

That is because certain nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, contain melatonin - a hormone essential for a good night’s rest, and magnesium, which may help reduce insomnia in adults.

The recommended amount is one fist full of nuts; that’s about 20-25 nuts per day, which you can divide into two portions.

What Is The Best Time To Eat Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are incredible for a few reasons. First, they have high levels of fiber, calcium, protein and healthy fats, and magnesium that help to keep cortisol levels low and, in turn, uplifts your mood.

To get the most out of chia seeds, it is best to consume them in the morning, with water, on an empty stomach.

They will increase metabolism, support daily digestion, and improve bowel movement.

Chia seeds can also help and improve your sleep pattern if you consume them at night. Either way, chia has excellent benefits if consumed daily.

What Is The Best Time To Eat Carbs?

when to eat carbs

Carbohydrates are one of the big three macronutrients (macros), together with protein and fat.

Carbs are essential for your health; they are a primary source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and provide our body with energy.

Because carbohydrates turn into glucose or sugar in your body which is then converted into energy, it is best to eat meals rich in carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch.

This will provide you with long-lasting energy throughout the whole day.
If you have your biggest portion of carbs in the evening, this can cause a blood sugar spike. 

Moreover, your body then stores the extra glucose you didn’t use for energy as body fat.

What Are The Best Snacks To Eat?

While the timing of eating snacks is essential, it is not as important as the kind of snacks you choose to consume. 

As it turns out, quality matters most. For example, healthy snacks such as whole fruit and vegetables 
are associated with enhanced diet quality and positively impact body weight. 

On the other hand, cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks, sweets, cookies, chips, ice cream, candy, popcorn, bread, etc. can lead to increased body weight and low quality of nutrients. 

With that said, you should limit snacks that offer little nutrition but are high in saturated fat, sugar, and sodium.

Choose those high in fiber and protein, as they will keep you satisfied for longer. 
Some of the best snacks you can choose from include: 

  • Raw vegetable sticks
  • Chopped fresh fruit
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Whole grain crackers
  • Dark chocolate
  • Hummus or avocado dip

You can also find new incredible healthy snacks with DeliciousDoor.

DeliciousDoor offers healthy & tasty snacking alternatives.

health plant based snacks

Each Snack Box is packed with carefully curated full-sized snacks, drinks, and meal items to fuel your body.

You’ll receive snacks that meet rigid nutritional standards to ensure a healthier and higher-quality snacking experience.

Everything is always 100% plant-based, gluten-free, non-GMO, high-protein & fiber, with less than 5g of added sugar. 

If you want to try out DeliciousDoor’s snack boxes, submit your email below to claim a discount on your first box.

Final Snacking Tips

Many people snack at least once a day, so here are some additional and essential tips to take into consideration:

  • A general rule is to aim for 150-250 calories per snack.
  • Carbs are your body’s primary and preferred energy source. Carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body, which converts that glucose into energy. If you don’t use all of it, any excess carbs are stored as body fat. 
  • Having carbs on an empty stomach creates a blood sugar spike. A blood sugar spike can cause constant hunger, fatigue, cravings, poor sleep, etc. 
  • Not all snacks are healthy or will keep you full between meals. To avoid blood sugar spikes, always add fat, protein, or fiber to your carbs, to reduce the glucose spike.
  • Consuming many small, frequent meals may lead to a greater sense of satiety and fullness than larger, less frequent meals. However, studies suggested that consuming more significant proportions of food at breakfast or lunch decreased hunger.
  • When you choose dessert instead of a sweet snack, the sugar will land in a full stomach. This will create slower absorption of glucose and fructose, thus a smaller glucose spike. Ultimately, it will result in a steady mood, fat-burning mode, no cravings, and a healthier body. If you eat a sweet snack on empty stomach, the sugar will have quick absorption of glucose and fructose in the blood. This will create a more significant glucose spike and increase hunger, cravings, inflammation, and fatigue.


Snackingis associated with a more nutrient-dense diet, and itcan be health-promoting, but only if we do it with the right foods at the correct times.

These tips are general, but remember that one universal dietary recommendation regarding snacking and meal frequency is inappropriate for everyone.

Keep in mind that it’s essential to fuel your body when hungry with nutritious whole foods instead of mindlessly snacking on empty calories that don’t make you feel full.

Merilin Vrachovska

Merilin is a 25-year-old imperfect zero waste advocate, passionate about sustainability, veganism, and living harmoniously with nature. In her free time, she loves developing recipes for healthy & vegan sweets, traveling, and practicing yoga. 

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